Employee Experience
November 24, 2020


Employee experience encloses what employees think and feel starting from job search to resignation. In this digital era, the customers expect seamless experience and if this isn’t offered they opt for your competitor’s product.

Have you ever thought about what constitutes the best customer experience ?

The answer is simple. It’s your employees.

“Highly engaged employees make the customer experience. Disengaged employees break it” – Timothy R Clark

The first point of contact to your customers is your employees. Companies have started paying attention to employee’s experience, ultimately improving customer’s experience. All of this is not possible without support of IT during this unprecedented pandemic time. Salesforce could be a great tool for a company to improve their employee experience.

In this article, we will cover 6 ways how Salesforce could be helpful in improving an organization’s employee experience.

  1. Automate Employee Processes
  2. Upskill your employees
  3. Employee Help Desk
  4. Digital Collaboration
  5. Take Employee Feedback
  6. 360°  Employee Data

1. Automate Employee Processes

HR processes and IT have direct impact on Employee experience, Company culture, benefits, HR policies are always remembered when it comes to employee experience. What’s often forgotten is the technology piece. In the new normal times, self-service enablement is crucial. Salesforce could improve employee experience at every stage of an employee lifecycle.

Employee lifecycle
Employee Lifecycle

Within Salesforce you could automate workflows and complete repetitive or boring tasks. Eg: Onboarding process. You can also collaborate, work with multiple departments.

Point and click tools inside Salesforce could help you automate business processes. One such tool is the Process Builder. You could navigate from Setup -> Quick Find “Process Builder” and open the Salesforce process builder tool.

Emloyee Process Automation
Employee process automation

Every process has a trigger, criteria and action. For instance, the trigger can be record creation. If a record is created and it matches the condition, then the set action is executed. By automating the routine set of tasks, the tasks are completed in a timely manner and the employee’s life is made easier.

2. Upskill your employees

Every employee expects mutual growth when they join an organization. The organization should value the career growth of every employee and for this Salesforce provides gamified learning experience – myTrailHead.

“A study conducted by Envoy reveals: 74% of GenZ people say when choosing a new company to work for, career advancement is a key influence in their decision”

You could onboard employees, train them on the job, train them when they get promoted, train them when they take up a new role, train them to be compliant with the organization’s system, etc. HR and trainers time is saved as they can be assigned automatically to the trainees.

The learning journeys can be customized according to the organization’s needs and personalized for every employee. myTrailHead is different from Learning Management Systems in a way that it is more learner or employee focussed.

Employee Upskill Experience
Employee Upskill Exprience

Read about how one of Cloudideas employees started their Salesforce career from scratch.

3. Employee Helpdesk

An employee might get tons of questions while they are new to the company or even when they are present in the company for a long time. It’s difficult to search for a query in the knowledge base or reach out to the IT support team every time. There are high chances for a query or ticket to get unnoticed in a pile of tickets.

Salesforce has a digital self-service helpdesk- Concierge, in which the employees can search for a query. It saves the employee time, they need not email or pick up the phone and resolve the query.

When the employees use this helpdesk IT team will also be happy, they need not answer the same question over and over. They can rather focus on tickets or issues which need their expertise or help.  The best part is you could search for answers on the Salesforce mobile application as well. Once you get an article or answer to your problem, you could mention if this was helpful. The feedback is collected on a regular basis and this could be helpful for improving the system further.

“The internal customer experience determines the external customer experience” – Shep Hyken

If an employee is struck with an issue for a long time, this will have a direct impact on customer experience as well.

4. Digital Collaboration

The way we work has completely changed post-pandemic. Employee experience is more important than ever. The remote teams should be able to collaborate, work better as a team.

“Organizations who get employee experience right achieve twice the customer satisfaction, innovation and generate 25% higher profits, than those that don’t”

Employees feel better, productive when they can chat, video call with their team members, They can also share documents and complete a project faster. Salesforce could replace the employee’s intranet, it could be a unified workspace for every individual.

Employee Collaboration
Employee Collaboration

Read our blog post on Salesforce Project Management and productivity if you wish to know further.

Salesforce could improve team collaboration. You could get in touch with the team, make decisions faster without having to get into a meeting or send emails.

5. Take Employee Feedback

Employee’s physical and mental wellbeing should be of utmost concern for every organization. Customized digital surveys could be sent by the management to its employees to understand how they are doing currently.

“In order to build a rewarding employee experience. You need to understand what matters most to your people” – Julie Bevacqua

Salesforce’s Workplace Command center tool can pull insightful dashboards and still keep the employee data private. The organization could use this survey results, implement some useful actions and improve employee experience.

Employee experience surveys are also important for creating an effective Employee experience strategy. Surveys could be sent to employees after completion of an important activity for eg: onboarding, learning, etc.

6. 360° Employee Data

In order to focus and improve your employee experience, you need to integrate all systems with employee information to Salesforce and have a single source of information. Once you integrate all systems you will have in-depth and relevant employee information.

There are no employee information silos once you integrate. Here’s an example integration scenario. You could use Salesforce Connectors to connect with your existing HRM solutions.

Salesforce and Mulesoft

You could also leverage applications on the Salesforce AppExchange platform, There are multiple applications for employee onboarding, collaboration, etc.

Employee Experience Apps


The organization has to deliver great customer experience in order to sustain in the market today. Without making the internal customers i.e., the employees it isn’t possible.

“You can’t expect your employees to exceed the expectations of your customers if you don’t exceed the employee’s expectations of management” – Howard Schultz, Starbucks

Tools like Salesforce play an important role in making an organization’s Employee experience strategy successful. We have covered a few ways in this article, but our Salesforce Experts are just a call away to help you with specific scenarios or questions.

Give the right tool to your employees to get their job done. They will take your business to different heights!

About the author

Priya Ravichandran
Priya Ravichandran

Senior Consultant | Geeky Digital Marketer | Guest Content Writer

Priya Ravichandran is a consultant by day, content creator by night. Priya enjoys writing well-researched and easy-to-read business content. When she isn't typing or writing, she can be found backpacking or dancing.

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